What is digital marketing? Interest in this topic has remained steady in the past 12 month period. A Google search will show a laundry list of articles and blog posts explaining digital marketing - so here is another one.
The term “digital marketing” evokes images of social media sites like Instagram and Tik Tok. While social media is a part of digital marketing, it is not the be-all-end-all of having an online presence. In previous blog posts I've described the "who" and "where" of digital marketing. Today, I am going to focus on "what" and "why".
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing can be considered any brand related promotional content online. There are many ways to have an online presence, including websites, search listings and social media. Sometimes called online marketing or web-based marketing, digital marketing has experienced a boom in interest simply due to the growth of the online world.
One of my favourite marketing terms is “fish where the fish are”, meaning to marketing where your customers are. More people are online now than ever before, thus marketing has been crawling into online spaces. Which leads to my second point - Why.
Why Digital Marketing?
Recently brands have been reaching for a younger audience. Tik Tok and Instagram Reels have seen a boost in posts from alleged young marketing professionals, saying things like: “I’m the social media guy and they don’t pay me enough so here’s a blank ad.” This type of marketing is done exclusively online, because brands are fishing where the fish are. Another marketing rule of thumb - if someone will look at a space, there will be an ad there.
Having a social media page isn’t the only "why" of digital marketing. Having a brand website offers a consistent HQ for your brand online. In the age of information, vetting a business online has becoming increasingly popular for consumers before they make a purchase. By having a dedicated space for your brand people can digest information about your product or service in one easy place. Brands use this space to reel in the fish once they've got a bite.
Digital marketing is just like traditional marketing only done online. There are different techniques with online marketing, but the base premise is the same. You need to fish where the fish are to get a bite.